Basic Information

Alternative names: See The Many Names and Meanings
Type/Species: Hydra, Great Serpent, Draconic Hybrid
Slayer: Contained by Atar, Faridun, Thraetaona, Thrita, or Verethraghna; finally slain by Keresaspa
Origin: Persian Mythology, Zoroastrian Mythology: Avesta, Bundahish, Zandagahih, [15] Indian Mythology, Vedic Mythology, [11] Egyptian Mythology, Iranian Mythology, Shahnameh: The Book of Kings [7]

The Many Names and Meanings

Azidahaka has many names because he has multiple incarnations across in various mythologies that span many languages. He appeared in Ancient Persian Mythology, the mythic literature of Zoroastrianism, and the literature of the Vedic tradition. In addition, time cultivated Azidahaka's mythic roles as well as the heroes who fought him.

He manifested as Ahi (meaning, 'the throttler') [13] or Vritra in the Vedic tradition. Ahi was the celestial serpent that withheld rain before Indra defeated him. [11]

Azidahaka became manifest in the mortal human body of King Zohak, [23] sometimes designated as King Dahaka. [9] Zohak could also be spelled as Zahak or Zahhak. [23]

He was also called Dahaka, [8] Dahhak, and Bivar-asp. [13,25] Some called him by the name Vishapa, which meant 'whose saliva is poisonous.' [13]

His shortest names were Az [25] and Azi. [11] Variations on the spelling of Azidahaka included the following: Azai-Dahaka, [13] Azi Dahak, Azi Dahaka, [10,13] Azhdahak, Azdahak, and Azhi Dahaka. [11]

The name Azidahaka meant 'fiendish snake,' [13] or 'biting snake.' [11] In old Avestan, the prefix azi was translated to 'snake,' but the modern rendition in Farsi, azidahaka, translated as 'dragon.' [10]

About Azidahaka

...Azi Dahaka, the three-mouthed, the three-headed, the six-eyed, who has a thousand senses, that most powerful, fiendish Druj, that demon, baleful to the world, the strongest Druj that Angra Mainyu created against the material world, to destroy the world of the good principle.

- Khorda Avesta, Hymn to the Waters, IX: 34 [24]

Azidahaka was an accomplice of Ahriman, sometimes called Angra Mainyu, and [25] he was his son, [13] mothered by the demon Autak. [10] Thus, Azidahaka was a Druj, just as his parents, [16] and he became the most infamous of them all. [4]

Ahriman created Azidahaka to destroy the faithful, [13] and as a powerful demon, he associated with the Bushyansta. [15]

In the Avesta, Azidahaka ruled the second millennium of human history, which corresponded with the eighth millennium of creation. [13] His crimes vary depending on the source. Some said that his hunger was too much, and while he first consumed only cattle, he soon turned his appetite to humanity. [10] Others wrote that his greatest desire was to extinguish all mortal life from the earth. [13] Another version explained that the dragon conspired to overthrow the first human being, Yima. [10] Other sources wrote that Azidahaka sought to put out the sacred flame, only to be foiled by Yima. To retaliate, Azidahaka stole Yima's daughter and sawed him in two. [4]

Whatever the reason, Azidahaka proved himself to be the most diabolical, powerful, and dangerous emissary of evil and thus demanded a hero like no other to best him. The individual responsible for his downfall also varies.

In one story, Atar conquered the evil dragon Azidahaka in heaven in a battle for control over Divine Glory. [12] Alternatively, his defeat came by Faridun. [17] Another version claimed that Thrita slew the dragon Azidahaka with a thunderbolt. [1]

Thraetaona was invoked against the work of Azidahaka, including itching and fevers. He was called because he had already defeated a different three-headed dragon in battle which took place across Varena. [2] The hero fought Azidahaka, [20] clubbing at his neck, head, and heart, but he could not slay him. Finally, he slashed Azidahaka with a sword, which unleashed a tide of horrible creatures that continued to spill out of his body. [2] Thraetaona refrained from cutting him into pieces for fear that the world would fill up with poisonous bugs and reptiles and instead imprisoned the monster. [3]

In another legend, Thrita was as the father of Thraetaona. Azidahaka killed Thrita, and to avenge his father's death, Thraetaona imprisoned him. [21] Another myth says that Verethraghna overcame Azidahaka, the symbol of darkness and drought, and tied him to the mountain. [22]

The Imprisonment of Azidahaka

Most stories agreed that Azidahaka was not defeated, simply contained, and confined to a prison by Atar, Thraetona, [10] or Faridun. [14] The commonly named location of this prison was under Mount Damavand. [4] It is said that, to this day, Azidahaka remains bound there, and from time to time, his furious attempts to escape causes an earthquake. [20]

Azidahaka's imprisonment would only be temporary; at the world's end, he will break free [18] bringing demonic mischief, [19] and he will destroy a third of the human population. [10]

Azidahaka will then perpetuate horrific sins and slaughter a third of all animals and vegetation. [3] The hero Keresaspa will be resurrected. Taking up his magic club, [19] he will take on the dragon in a final battle in Ayohsust, [25] and there he will smite Azidahaka. [3] Then he will slay even Ahriman himself, saving the earth from the dragon and his father. [19]

Zohak, the Mortal Manifestation

Zohak was a deified mortal, or more appropriately, a demon. [23] In some accounts, like the Shahnameh: The Book of Kings, Zohak began life as a respectable man until Ahriman imbued him with Azidahaka. [23] The exact nature of Azidahaka's assimilation into the man remained a mystery. [16]

Merdas had a brave and dynamic son named Zohak. [5] Ahriman appeared at Merdas's court in disguise of a visitor, so he could tempt Zohak. As an innocent youth, Zohak took an oath never to repeat the words of his guest, so what was specifically said will never be known. However, it is clear that the enticement included power, as Ahriman persuaded the youth to kill his father so he could have the throne. [5]

The next time Ahriman, appeared, he took the form of a cook. Before this time, all people were vegetarian, but the cook encouraged Zohak to eat meat, leading him further astray. [5] Thus, Zohak introduced meat to the people. [23] Finally, to beguile the king further, he flattered the youth and begged that he might have leave to kiss the shoulders of the great monarch. Zohak allowed this, and afterward Ahriman disappeared into the ground. [5]

From the places where Ahriman kissed his shoulders, two black snakes erupted. Every time he cut them off, they grew back just the same. Ahriman appeared again as a doctor and told Zohak that the only remedy was to feed the serpents. Each snake required one human brain every day. [6]

Zohak's virtue depleted, and he became the incarnation of the Druj Azidahaka. [23] His power increased as the dominance of Yima waned, and the people proclaimed him as the monarch of all Persia. Yima went into hiding, but Zohak hunted him down and ordered his death. [6] Thus, Zohak ruled all of Persia for over a thousand years, which were full of oppression. All virtue declined, sorcery increased, and every day, two people died so that Zohak's serpents could feast. [6]

One night, Zohak had a dream that foretold the birth of a hero: depending on the source, was Faridun, Thraetaona, or Thrita. The monarch tried to kill the child as a babe but failed. He feared an enemy strong enough to fight him, so he raised an army of demons and set out a proclamation to affirm himself as the virtuous king. So great was his power, and so long had been his reign, that no one dared oppose him. [6]

A humble blacksmith, sometimes called Kava, [17] appeared at court seeking a just release of his imprisoned son. His words were formed when he spoke, 'Although you have a dragon's form, you are king and it is your duty to let me have justice.' [6]

Zohak granted his request but required the blacksmith's signature on his proclamation. Kava refused to sign; instead, he retreated with his son and raised an army for Faridun, Zohak's most feared enemy. [6]

Faridun left his palace, which had pinnacles that reached the skies, to lead his forces to Zohak's castle. [6] An angel warned Faridun not to kill Zohak but instead to take over his palace. Zohak, who had left his home, heard of the hero's activities and was forced to double back with his entire army. [7]

Faridun advanced quickly in on Zohak, smashing his helmet with his mace. He then restrained the evil tyrant and carried him off to Mount Demavend. [7] Another account claimed that Faridun killed the evil Zohak with Kava's assistance. [17] Or, Faridun defeated Zohak and chained him to a mountain. [23]

The serpents implanted on the tyrant's shoulders [5] symbolized Zohak's threat to the elements and established order. [9] Multiple heroes were called to fight him, depending on the source, including , Faridun, [9] and Kersasp, also called Sam Kersasp. [8]

Zohak, as represented in art, was characteristic of the reign of wicked kings that cause people to die needlessly. [5] In other interpretations, Zohak was the demon of drought slain by Thraetaona. [23]

Physical Description

In general, images of Azidahaka were painted with more color and more clearly than most demons. [4] Azidahaka was variously described as a serpent or a dragon, though his physical image fell between the two. [10]

He was a three-headed serpent with three mouths, three separate faces, and six eyes. [14] In his form as Zohak, he maintained his triplicated heads: two heads were snakes and one was human. [23] Alternatively, he was a three-headed serpent with six eyes and three pairs of fangs [16] or three jaws. [4] Each head represented something different: Pain, Death, and Anguish. [10]

Rarely, Azidahaka is described as having seven heads. [14]

Azidahaka was also described as a winged dragon-serpent. His wings were so vast that when he unfolded them, they covered all the heavens. [10] He was covered with scorpions and lizards, and his body was full of vile, dangerous creatures. [4]

Quick Facts

  • The name Azidahaka meant 'fiendish snake,' [13] or 'biting snake.' [11]
  • He was an accomplice of Ahriman. [13]
  • He was the son of Ahriman and Autak. [10,13]
  • He was the most infamous of all Druj. [4,16]
  • He ruled the second millennium of human history. [13]
  • He conspired to overthrow the first human being, Yima. [10]
  • He proved himself to be the most diabolical, powerful, and dangerous emissary of evil and thus demanded a hero like no other to best him. [12]
  • He was bound and imprisoned by Thraetaona, [2] Faridun, [17] Atar, [12] Thrita, [1] or Verethraghna. [22]
  • Ahriman manifested Azidahaka in the mortal body of Zohak. [23]
  • As Zohak, Azidahaka ruled all of Persia for over a thousand terrible years. [6]
  • At the end of the world, the hero Keresaspa will be resurrected [19] to take on the dragon in a final battle in Ayohsust, [25] and there he will smite Azidahaka. [3]

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Term Reference

n. He was the son of Ahura Mazda and the god of fire. He was the chief of the Yazatas, or divinities. He was also known as Adar and Atarsh.
n. A female demon who was the spouse of Ahriman and mother of Azidahaka.
n. A river of fire
n. The yellow demons of sloth, which could cause men to oversleep and to neglect their religious commitments.
n. Demons of deceit and opponents of the Amesha Spentas. They were also called Droudje or Druge.
n. He was a deified mortal that became the god of war and the bringer of fire.
n. The much-respected prince and later king of Arabia, he was father of Zohhak.
Mount Damavand
n. Mount Damavand is part of the Alborz Range, and with an elevation of 18,600 ft. or 5,670 meters, it is the highest peak in Iran and the Middle East.
n. Another name for Thirta or Faridun. In some versions, Thraetaona was the son of Thrita.
n. An early name for the hero Faridun
n. The fourteenth land created by Ahura Mazda, considered part of the heavens.
n. Later known as Bahram, he was born in the ocean and became the genius behind victories over many overwhelming forces.
n. Avestan name for Jamshid, the first mortal in Persian mythology
Atar n. He was the son of Ahura Mazda and the god of fire. He was the chief of the Yazatas, or divinities. He was also known as Adar and Atarsh.
Autak n. A female demon who was the spouse of Ahriman and mother of Azidahaka.
Ayohsust n. A river of fire
Bushyansta n. The yellow demons of sloth, which could cause men to oversleep and to neglect their religious commitments.
Druj n. Demons of deceit and opponents of the Amesha Spentas. They were also called Droudje or Druge.
Faridun n. He was a deified mortal that became the god of war and the bringer of fire.
Keresaspa n. TO BE DEFINED
Merdas n. The much-respected prince and later king of Arabia, he was father of Zohhak.
Mount Damavand n. Mount Damavand is part of the Alborz Range, and with an elevation of 18,600 ft. or 5,670 meters, it is the highest peak in Iran and the Middle East.
Thraetaona n. Another name for Thirta or Faridun. In some versions, Thraetaona was the son of Thrita.
Thrita n. An early name for the hero Faridun
Varena n. The fourteenth land created by Ahura Mazda, considered part of the heavens.
Verethraghna n. Later known as Bahram, he was born in the ocean and became the genius behind victories over many overwhelming forces.
Yima n. Avestan name for Jamshid, the first mortal in Persian mythology


  1. Hinnells 38
  2. Hinnells 39
  3. Hinnells 40
  4. Hinnells 54
  5. Hinnells 114
  6. Hinnells 115
  7. Hinnells 117
  8. Leeming 227
  9. Leeming 382
  10. Rose [Dragons] 33
  11. Turner 28
  12. Turner 78
  13. Turner 85
  14. Turner 86
  15. Turner 110
  16. Turner 157
  17. Turner 177
  18. Turner 266
  19. Turner 267
  20. Turner 464
  21. Turner 465
  22. Turner 495
  23. Turner 524
  24. Avesta: Khorda Avesta: Hymn to the Waters: IX
  25. Tables of Ancient Middle Eastern Deities

For more information on footnotes and references, please see the bibliography.