
Cadborosaurus willsi, affectionately regarded as 'Caddy,' is a cryptid that lives in the waters off the Pacific Northwest coast of North America. [1] Caddy received its name in the 1930s by way of one Archie Willis, a newspaper editor in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. [1]

Caddy has been reported over three hundred times since the 1930s, [3] and at least twenty of those reports occurred in the 1990s. [4] The reports range from Alaska to Oregon, with the majority of the sightings around Vancouver Island and the Northern Olympic Peninsula. [1]

Physical Description

Cadborosauruses range in size from fifteen to forty-five feet long. [5] They have been described as snakelike [1] or serpentine. [5] A Cadborosaurus has a horse- or camel-like head and long neck, with vertical humps along its body. Cadborosauruses have a pair of side flippers and spikes on their tails. [5]

Caddy Sightings

Sightings of Cadborosauruses have occurred over the centuries. Many indigenous groups have their own legends specific Cadborosauruses.[2]

The most notorious evidence for the existence of the Cadborosaurus appeared in 1937 at Naden Harbor. A unique specimen pulled from the stomach of a whale, later dubbed the 'Naden Harbor Carcass,' [2] gave hope to many cryptozoologists and Caddy enthusiasts. Unfortunately, the specimen was dismissed as a premature Baleen Whale. [2]


  1. Coleman & Clark 51
  2. Coleman & Clark 52
  3. Coleman & Huyghe 53
  4. Coleman & Huyghe 55
  5. Coleman & Huyghe 57

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